
How to use custom environmental chambers

The use of a climatic chamber for environmental tests helps to discover potential defects before the production phase. To solve all possible problems and ensure greater product reliability, and thus to provide the top guarantee to customers, the only solution could be to test the product in all its conditions of use. But how can it be done? With the use of a custom environmental chambers.

In fact, during the research and development phase, many companies carry out tests on prototypes to verify their reliability, testing their characteristics, resistance to stress or simply their behavior in their context of use. If these tests are not passed, the cause or faulty component that caused the problem will be sought and corrected. To clarify the main functions of an environmental chamber, you must inform yourself about it and collect all the information necessary to understand how to make the most of its functions. The use of a climatic chamber for environmental tests therefore helps to discover potential defects in order to correct them before the production phase, thus ensuring not only lower maintenance costs but also more satisfied customers.

There are different types of tests that can be performed. A first categorization divides these tests into tests that subject the specimens to environmental stresses such as temperature and humidity. A second category includes all those tests that subject the specimens to mechanical stresses such as vibrations and acceleration. In a climatic chamber it is possible to recreate special conditions inside a test compartment inside which the product to be tested is positioned. Always inside the compartment, the particular environmental conditions to which you want to subject it are recreated. To carry out the tests belonging to the first category, a Climatic Chamber for Environmental Simulation tests is required.

To explain what the operating principle is, we must start from the definition of the two quantities that the environmental chamber is able to control, namely temperature and humidity. When doing the temperature control, it is necessary that the chamber is able to perform two functions: heating and cooling. At the same time, it must also be able to evenly distribute the temperature within the test chamber. Particular technical measures on the distribution of the air inside the chamber will allow to have a high level of uniformity over time and homogeneity in the space of the temperature values, guaranteeing all parts and surfaces of the specimen to be subjected to the same temperature value.

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