As a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people worldwide have ended up on lockdown and quarantine to combat the pandemic. However, human beings are social beings and continuously depend on interactions and coming together to thrive. The loss of community ties can lead to adverse effects for us. Joey Horn discusses how engaging in philanthropic activities could give us a new sense of meaning and expose us to new communities.
Uplifting the power of music in schools to transform society.
An active participant in the Restore The Music UK, Joey firmly believes in music education’s power within the school system. Restore The Music UK was launched in 2011 to provide financial support to schools, music, and tuition instruments. These efforts have enabled schools to maintain an extensive music program that has nurtured personal success & talent, raised awareness, and sparked more interest in music.
Restore The Music UK brings together community members, supporters, and other interested parties through music’s power. Furthermore, patrons feel more connected to the organization’s cause by creating successful films for their students. Together with other Restore The Music 2019 Gala Fundraiser committee members, Joey Horn organized for an annual fundraiser for the charity. In 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gala event was canceled, and an active page for donation exists for fundraising.
Taking part in volunteering while at home.
Numerous charities nurture the spirit and sense of community through social events that boost their visibility and raise funds. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many social events have been canceled or put off in line with the social distancing rules. Charities have come up with innovative ways for participants and interested parties to volunteer at home.
Joey Horn is an active participant of the Cancer Research UK and notes the organization has come up with innovative digital methods for volunteering. The organization provides interested parties with numerous digital volunteering opportunities, such as writing letters, building awareness, and a platform to share your voice in a community of other volunteers.
Innovative involvement for volunteers taking part in charity activities.
Volunteers are driven by the spirit of raising awareness for a close cause to their hearts. In line with this spirit, charities have become open to innovative involvement for interested parties. This venture goes a long way to help people feel connected in self-isolation through helping an important cause, organizing a digital event, and coming together with a group of people to make the charity a success.
Joey Horn is a long-term supporter of the Mother2Mother initiative focused on helping women and children in Subsaharan Africa. The organization works together with the community to promote education and provide resources and training to help support women and children.
With an initial goal to help curb the HIV/AIDS endemic in Subsaharan Africa, Mothers2Mothers gives employment to women living with HIV to work as mentors. The mentor mothers have to provide education, mentorship, and support within their local communities. Mothers2Mothers has provided resources to women and children that have proved lifesaving. The support the organization gives to the communities has promoted health, wellbeing, and opportunities for women and children.
Horn notes that Mother2Mother uses various social methods to raise funds and create awareness. Also, the organization incorporates “create your own” option for philanthropy. Virtual baby showers, weddings, and birthday parties can be among activities considered for bringing people together for a dedicated cause to raise funds and awareness. Also, through social media platforms, one can bring together people devoted to the same cause and outcome. One can be connected to others through charity ventures and help bring change and uplift those in need.